Fur Bearing Animals
2019 Fur Farm
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A G - IMG_3114 - chin on shoulder.MOV
A G - IMG_3131 - KEY scared, tryng to escape.MOV
A G - IMG_3186 cuddle up against each other for support.MOV
A G - IMG_3191.TRIM - chewing on wood stick.MOV
A G - IMG_3237 - two cuddling with ateret.MOV
A G - IMG_3304 crawling on top of one
A G - IMG_3305 funny hop.MOV
A G - IMG_3551 - KEY crawling under chin.MOV
A G - IMG_3780 - KEY exploring maze.MOV
A G - IMG_3911 traffic
A G - IMG_4118 KEY cuddling under Ateret's shirt.MOV
A G - IMG_4119 - KEY cuddling under Ateret's shirt 2.MOV
A G - IMG_4164 closeup big cute eyes.MOV
A G - IMG_4347 KEY napping.MOV
A G - IMG_4394 KEY napping.JPG
A G - IMG_4397 KEY napping.MOV
A G - IMG_4523 - KEY tug of war.MOV
A G - IMG_4539 cute eating pink candy.MOV
A G - IMG_4544 KEY cute napping.JPG
A G - IMG_4560 KEY cute napping.MOV
A G - IMG_4604 reaching for mobile toy above.MOV
A G - IMG_4605 reaching for mobile toy above 2.MOV
C0002 chin in ilttle tube.mp4
C0004 chin climbing stairs.mp4
C0004 chin looking heroic.mp4
C0007 chin begging for food.mp4
C0007 getting food from ateret.mp4
C0011 chin kicking up dust.mp4
C0011 KEY super cute clip of chin spinnnign.mp4
C0012 Cute Ateret and Baby.MP4
C0013 Cute Ateret and Baby angle 2.MP4
C0014 chin appears in sink!.mp4
C0014 chin sink to sink.mp4
C0014 KEY super cute in sink.mp4
C0015 chin cute in sink.mp4
C0016 Cute Closeup Eating Treat.MP4
C0018 Dust Bath Fun.MP4
C0021 In Jacket.MP4
C0022 Going Inside Jacket.MP4
C0034 Katie rescues gretchen wide.mp4
C0038 white close with eartag.mp4
C0041 katie investigating.mp4
C0042 katie reaches in with cool lightingUntitled.mp4
C0042 quinn rescue.mp4
C0045 katie walks with quinn.mp4
C0046 Bridgette rescue botched ending.mp4
C0050 chins flowing from carrier.mp4
C0051 Alicia reomves bridgette collar.mp4
C0062 katie holding post rescue.mp4
C0071 lewis smiling with chin.mp4
C0072 chin coming up to lewis very close, intimate.mp4
C0073 chin climbing onto lewis face.mp4
C0075 lewis scouting.mp4
C0079 lewis katie enter.mp4
C0082 Gretchen rescue.mp4
C0085 ear tag and breading collar close.mp4
C0093 Closeup big eyes pan to long katie.mp4
C0096 dust bath light movement close.mp4
C0099 quinn eye.mp4
C0100 Quinn eye and info card.mp4
C0102 blurry quinn rescue.mp4
C0103 Katie Holds Quinn and walks out of isle.mp4
C0104 Bridgette rescue point of view.mp4
C0104 bridgette torn ear plus breeding card.mp4
C0104 katie reaches in from bridgette point of view.mp4
C0105 tail light exit.mp4
C0107 katie gives hay to gretchen.mp4