Cows (milk)
2017 Land O Lakes Dairy
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adults from far away.mp4
aftercare exam for dehydration.mp4
aisles from the side.mp4
aisles from the side paul talking about seeing a worker.mp4
alexandra commentary coop standards.MOV
alexandra commentary describing hutch.MOV
black Calling out to mom.mp4
Calling out side shot of hutches (2).MP4
Caroline looking strong AF.MP4
conditions dirty hindquarters.MOV
conditions Dirty hutch floor living in filth.mp4
conditions dirty water with dead flies and feces.mp4
conditions drinking water with dead fly in it.mp4
conditions no food bowl dirty inside.mp4
conditions no water for calf.MOV
conditions peeing sound talk of toxic air hard on lungs.mp4
conditions shit stained hutch with piles of feces under it.mp4
coughing difficulty breathing.MOV
Dead body 1.MP4
Dead body 2.MP4
Dead body 3.MP4
Dead body 4.MP4
dehorning face shot.mp4
eyes through wooden bars.mp4
face on side.mp4
faces down the row.mp4
faces short shot down aisle.mp4
filler footage adolescents.mp4
filler footage adolescents coming to say hi.mp4
filler footage aisle.mp4
filler red light walking aisles.mp4
happy adolescent galloping to meet new person.mp4
hudled in hutch shot down the row.mp4
inv black Calling out to mom.mp4
inv black putting girl back into hutch and counting to remember where she was.mp4
inv conditions Dirty hutch floor living in filth.mp4
inv conditions dirty water with dead flies and feces.mp4
inv conditions drinking water with dead fly in it.mp4
inv conditions no water for calf.MOV
inv conditions peeing sound talk of toxic air hard on lungs.mp4
inv conditions shit stained hutch with piles of feces under it.mp4
inv coughing difficulty breathing.MOV
Investigation Adolescents in the moonlight left behind.MP4
Investigation poop on rear.MP4
Investigation Row 26.MP4
Investigation Two colors on forehead.MP4
investigation wayne filming dead calf.mp4
Investigation Wide shot of rows.MP4
inv eyes through wooden bars.mp4
inv faces down the row.mp4
inv filler footage adolescents.mp4
inv filler footage adolescents coming to say hi.mp4
inv filth of field.mp4
inv first calf red shot short.mp4
inv happy adolescent galloping to meet new person.mp4
inv hudled in hutch shot down the row.mp4
inv Land o lakes promo website.mp4
inv land o lakes sign and milking barn.mp4
inv on floor huddled.mp4
inv open shot calf mooing aisle shot.mp4
inv petting calf priya.mp4
inv priya describing cold weather.MOV
inv red light going through hutches.mp4
inv sick girl lying on ground hard to stand up on wooden slatted floor.mp4
inv sleeping with head at the edge of the hutch.mp4
inv sores on knees from living on wood and flies on hindquarters.mp4
inv suckling on each other for connection.mp4
inv trying to escape.mp4
inv umbilical cord still on difficult to walk on wooden floor.mp4
inv walkie car coming.mp4
land o lakes sign and milking barn.mp4
long shot feces under hutch size of calf in hutch.mp4
long shot of aisle.mp4
long shot of aisle 2.mp4
matt and emme.MOV
open shot calf mooing aisle shot.mp4
paul waiting and hiding and checking phone.mp4
paul waiting and hiding and checking phone 2.mp4
petting calf priya.mp4
priya describing cold weather.MOV
recovery alicia face feeding.mp4
recovery ateret talking about eating animals.mp4
recovery baxter stealing her bed.mp4
recovery bonding with alexandra talking about her recovery.mp4
recovery cow and pig emme licking charlotte's ear.mp4
recovery drinking milk with oxygen in.mp4
Recovery eating grass from juliannes hands.mp4
recovery eating waynes face.mp4
recovery emme eating aterets face and lying in lap.mp4
recovery emme face against green hill and red barn.mp4
recovery emme lying in aterets lap.mp4
recovery emme lying in aterets lap 2.mp4
recovery face eating leaves.mp4
recovery face in yellow weeds.mp4
recovery first time being in her outside home out of ICU julianne feeding.mp4
recovery first time outside 1.mp4
recovery first time outside 2 playing with alicia.mp4
recovery fly net.MOV
Recovery helping to stand.mp4
recovery home with alicia.mp4
recovery julianne kisses.mp4
recovery lying down looking sick.mp4
recovery lying on bed.mp4
recovery maryam and alicia feeding.mp4
recovery maryam sitting with her in icu.mp4
recovery meeting a chicken.mp4
recovery news that BVD test was negative.mp4
recovery overview of new home.MOV
recovery oxygen with julianne explanation.mp4
recovery pao and emme eating together.mp4
recovery pao and emme eating together 2.MOV
recovery pao and rosa eating grass.mp4
recovery pao being a better cow.mp4
recovery pao priya emme.mp4
recovery pao stealing emmes hay.mp4
recovery petting head with liberation fork on.mp4
recovery playing with punching bag.mp4
recovery priya scratching emme.mp4
recovery running around her yard and barn.mp4
recovery running around her yard and barn 2.mp4
recovery running away from wayne.mp4
recovery running through grass.mp4
recovery running with goats and pao.mp4
recovery shot antibiotic.mp4
recovery sleeping ear tag.mp4
recovery sleeping on julianne explaining shes tired.mp4
recovery slow motion running.MOV
recovery sniffing and playing with pig bum.mp4
recovery snoring and waking up.mp4
Recovery taking off ear tag.mp4
recovery taking off ear tag cleaning.mp4
recovery wayne carrying emme.mp4
recovery with matt- crop left side.mp4
recovery with wayne and julianne.mp4
red light going through hutches.mp4
rescue alexandra practicing standing.mp4
rescue alexandra snuggles foot on floor.mp4
Rescue Animal Liberation Now walking out moon.MP4
Rescue Audio getting into car scurry.MP4
rescue crying out.mp4
rescue cuddling virginia.mp4
Rescue Emma details with Alexandra there.mp4
Rescue Emma diahrrea on floor.MP4
Rescue Emma drinking milk attaching leash Caroline picking up.MP4
Rescue Emma face and scratch from Alexandra.MP4
Rescue Emma First shot.MP4
Rescue Emma kiss from Alexandra.MP4
Rescue Emma walking out matt with VR equip suckling Alexandras hand.MP4
Rescue Emma with Alexandra.MP4
rescue eyes through slats.mp4
rescue face shots with wayne talking to vr.mp4
Rescue filler Gound shot foot (2).MP4
rescue finding out about dead calf .mp4
rescue getting phone call.mp4
rescue julianne examine diahhrea floor underweight crying out.mp4
RESCUE MAIN 2 sony.mp4
RESCUE MAIN alexandra picking up and handing off to caroline virginia feeding bottle.mp4
rescue moving toward virginia.mp4
rescue suckling on alexandra's hand.mp4
rescue trying to escape size of crate enjoying scratches virginia.mp4
rescue umbilical cord taken from mom comment.mp4
rescue virginia climbing in.mp4
Rescue Walking out AL Now shirts.MP4
Rescue Walking out Caroline.MP4
rescue walking out caroline holding her next to alexandra.mp4
Rescue Walking out dark.MP4
Rescue Walking out julianne alicia emma caroline alexandra.MP4
Rescue Walking out sisters talking.MP4
rescue walking up shes so small.mp4
sick girl lying on ground hard to stand up on wooden slatted floor.mp4
size of calf trying to turn around.mp4
sleeping on floor huddled.mp4
sleeping with head at the edge of the hutch.mp4
sores on knees from living on wood and flies on hindquarters.mp4
suckling on each other for connection.mp4
tractor used to open hutches.mp4
trying to escape.mp4
umbilical cord still on difficult to walk on wooden floor.mp4
walkie car coming.mp4
walking in dark paul.mp4
walking out with rachel and paul.mp4
yogi outtake.mp4