2023.01.29 ALT Workday
2023.01.29 OLS Workday
2023.02.26 OLS Workday
2023.03.26 ALT Volunteer Day
2023.04.01 Hens of the Hills Chick-nic
2023.04.30 OLS Work Day
2023.05.28 OLS Work Day
2023.07.09 ALT Work Day
2023.07.30 Animal Sanctuary Workday
2023.08.07 OLS Workday
2023.08.27 Jolene’s Retreat Sanctuary Workday
2023.08.27 Jolene’s retreat volunteer day
2023.09.02 ALT Workday
2023.09.15 Lovebug chicken Rescue (Carla Cabral)
2023.09.24 Jolene's Retreat Workday
2023.10.29 Sanctuary Workday